Publication Policy
Animalia accepts original manuscripts which have not been previously published in other peer-reviewed journals. Papers which have been presented at academic conferences, but are not otherwise published, are eligible for submission. If you are submitting a manuscript based on a presentation, please include a statement at the beginning of your manuscript that discloses this information.
Book Review Policy
Animalia accepts review copies but cannot guarantee reviews of titles received. Please contact the editors via our contact form if you have a book you would like us to consider for review.
We thank the authors and publishers of the following books for sharing them with Animalia:

Saving Animals: Multispecies Ecologies of Rescue and Care
Elan Abrell
University of Minnesota Press

Emanuele Coccia
Polity Press

Living as a Bird
Vinciane Despret
Polity Press

On the Animal Trail
Baptiste Morizot
Polity Press

Animals in Irish Society: Interspecies Oppression and Vegan Liberation in Britain's First Colony
Corey Lee Wrenn
SUNY Press